[Review] Evaluation of Static Vulnerability Detection Tools with Java Cryptographic API Benchmarks

[Review] Evaluation of Static Vulnerability Detection Tools with Java Cryptographic API Benchmarks

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The paper assesses the performance of the current static vulnerability detection tools in the era of Java cryptographic API misuse.

Main contributions:

  • provide two benchmarks: CryptoAPI-Bench, ApacheCryptoAPI-Bench.
    • CryptoAPI-Bench consists of 181 test cases covering 16 types of Cryptographic and SSL/TLS API misuse vulnerabilities, with basic level and advanced level.
    • ApacheCryptoAPI-Bench documents the API misuse vulnerabilities from 10 real-world Apache projects. This benchmark is for checking the scalability(the ability to induce low computational overhead to analyze large code-bases) of the detection tool.
  • evaluate four static analysis tools based on the two proposed benchmarks: specialized tools(CryptoGuard, CrySL), general purpose tools(SpotBugs, Coverity).
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[Review] Automatic Detection of Java Cryptographic API Misuses: Are We There Yet?

[Review] Automatic Detection of Java Cryptographic API Misuses: Are We There Yet?

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A large study of Java cryptographic API misuse.

Two main contributions are made:

  1. evaluate the effectiveness of existing cryptographic API misuse detection tools.
  2. conduct a study with the developers, measuring the real-world performance of detectors.


JCA (Java Cryptography Architecture), JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension).

Java cryptographic API misuses are common, which may cause a extensive security problems.

13 Java types frequently mentioned in the API-misuse patterns.

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[Review] Whole Test Suite Generation

[Review] Whole Test Suite Generation

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The paper presents a Genetic Algorithm(GA) in which whole test suites are evolved with the aim of covering all coverage goals at the same time.

  • Whole test suite generation achieves higher coverage than single branch test case generation.
  • Whole test suite generation produces smaller test suites than single branch test case generation.



  • Current work only target at one coverage goal at a time.
  • Engineers should manually write assertion for every test case, so the length of the test case should be as short as possible(after satisfying the coverage prerequisite).
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