[Review] Examining Zero-Shot Vulnerability Repair with Large Language Models

[Review] Examining Zero-Shot Vulnerability Repair with Large Language Models

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The paper tests the performance of LLM for program repair. The same topic as Automated Program Repair in the Era of Large Pre-trained Language Models. Differently, this paper focuses more on the details, whose program repair setting is much more complicated.

Some conclusions were drawn:

  • LLMs can generate fixes to bugs.
  • But for real-world settings, the performance is not enough.


  • Security bugs are significant.
  • LLMs are popular and has outstanding performance.


RQ1: Can off-the-shelf LLMs generate safe and functional code to fix security vulnerabilities?

RQ2: Does varying the amount of context in the comments of a prompt affect the LLM’s ability to suggest fixes?

RQ3: What are the challenges when using LLMs to fix vulnerabilities in the real world?

RQ4: How reliable are LLMs at generating repairs?

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[Review] Titan : Efficient Multi-target Directed Greybox Fuzzing

[Review] Titan : Efficient Multi-target Directed Greybox Fuzzing

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The paper presents a multi-target fuzzing method, which fuzzes different targets at the same time.

Titan is proposed to perform this work, enabling the fuzzers to distinguish correlations between various targets in the program. And under these correlations, optimizes the input generation efficiently and simultaneously fuzzing different targets.



In practice, more than 1000 potential targets may need verification, which will be costly. Current direct fuzzing only aims at on target at a time, lowering the verification efficiency, and generating multiple instances for fuzzing multiple targets will also be 3.6x slower compared with sequentially applying only one instance at a time for one target.

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[Review] How IoT Re-using Threatens Your Sensitive Data: Exploring the User-Data Disposal in Used IoT Devices

[Review] How IoT Re-using Threatens Your Sensitive Data: Exploring the User-Data Disposal in Used IoT Devices

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This paper performs the first in-depth investigation on the user-data disposal of used IoT devices, and finds that:

  1. Most users lack the awareness of disposing used IoT devices.
  2. IoT devices collect more sensitive data than users expect, and current data protections of used IoT devices are inadequate.
  3. The disposal methods of used IoT devices are often ineffective.


RQ1: Which kinds of sensitive data reside in used IoT devices?

RQ2: Which methods can be used to dispose of sensitive data?

RQ3: Are existing disposal methods effective in erasing the sensitive data?

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