[Review] Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Fuzzers: Fuzzing Deep-Learning Libraries via Large Language Models

[Review] Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Fuzzers: Fuzzing Deep-Learning Libraries via Large Language Models

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The paper proposes a new approach to leveraging LLMs to generate input programs for fuzzing DL libraries. More specifically, apply LLMs(Codex & INCODER) to fuzz DL libraries(pytorch & tensorflow).


  • Previous work on fuzzing DL libraries mainly falls into two categories: API-level fuzzing and model-level fuzzing. They still have some limitations.
  • Model level fuzzers attempt to leverage complete DL models (which cover various sets of DL library APIs) as test inputs. But due to the input/output constraints of DL APIs, model-level mutation/generation is hard to perform, leading to a limited number of unique APIs covered.
  • API-level fuzzing focuses on finding bugs within a single API at a time. But API-level fuzzers cannot detect any bug that arises from interactions within a complex API sequence.
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[Review] A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis of the Vulnerabilities Introduced by Third-Party Components in IoT Firmware

[Review] A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis of the Vulnerabilities Introduced by Third-Party Components in IoT Firmware

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This paper doesn’t propose anything new, but creates a system called FirmSec that can detect the TPCs(third-part components) at version-level in firmware, and then recognizes the corresponding vulnerabilities. FirmSec takes IoT firmware images as input and output the vulnerabilities of TPCs contained in the firmware image.

Also, their work creates a database consisting of 34, 136 firmware images. FirmSecDataset


  • Preprocess the database, gathering various firmware images both public and private.

  • Preprocess the database, gathering various TPCs and their vulnerabilities.

  • Take in the firmware image, identify its characters and determines the TPCs(at version level) contained in the firmware.

  • Generate the vulnerability report of the firmware.

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