[Review] Evaluation of Static Vulnerability Detection Tools with Java Cryptographic API Benchmarks

[Review] Evaluation of Static Vulnerability Detection Tools with Java Cryptographic API Benchmarks

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The paper assesses the performance of the current static vulnerability detection tools in the era of Java cryptographic API misuse.

Main contributions:

  • provide two benchmarks: CryptoAPI-Bench, ApacheCryptoAPI-Bench.
    • CryptoAPI-Bench consists of 181 test cases covering 16 types of Cryptographic and SSL/TLS API misuse vulnerabilities, with basic level and advanced level.
    • ApacheCryptoAPI-Bench documents the API misuse vulnerabilities from 10 real-world Apache projects. This benchmark is for checking the scalability(the ability to induce low computational overhead to analyze large code-bases) of the detection tool.
  • evaluate four static analysis tools based on the two proposed benchmarks: specialized tools(CryptoGuard, CrySL), general purpose tools(SpotBugs, Coverity).
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[Review] Automatic Detection of Java Cryptographic API Misuses: Are We There Yet?

[Review] Automatic Detection of Java Cryptographic API Misuses: Are We There Yet?

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A large study of Java cryptographic API misuse.

Two main contributions are made:

  1. evaluate the effectiveness of existing cryptographic API misuse detection tools.
  2. conduct a study with the developers, measuring the real-world performance of detectors.


JCA (Java Cryptography Architecture), JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension).

Java cryptographic API misuses are common, which may cause a extensive security problems.

13 Java types frequently mentioned in the API-misuse patterns.

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[Review] A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis of the Vulnerabilities Introduced by Third-Party Components in IoT Firmware

[Review] A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis of the Vulnerabilities Introduced by Third-Party Components in IoT Firmware

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This paper doesn’t propose anything new, but creates a system called FirmSec that can detect the TPCs(third-part components) at version-level in firmware, and then recognizes the corresponding vulnerabilities. FirmSec takes IoT firmware images as input and output the vulnerabilities of TPCs contained in the firmware image.

Also, their work creates a database consisting of 34, 136 firmware images. FirmSecDataset


  • Preprocess the database, gathering various firmware images both public and private.

  • Preprocess the database, gathering various TPCs and their vulnerabilities.

  • Take in the firmware image, identify its characters and determines the TPCs(at version level) contained in the firmware.

  • Generate the vulnerability report of the firmware.

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