[Review] DynSQL: Stateful Fuzzing for Database Management Systems with Complex and Valid SQL Query Generation

[Review] DynSQL: Stateful Fuzzing for Database Management Systems with Complex and Valid SQL Query Generation

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The paper designs a stateful DBMS fuzzer called DynSQL. DynSQL adopts two new methods: Dynamic Query Interaction and Error Feedback.

Instead of generating all of the SQL queries before performing them, Dynamic Query Interaction allows the fuzzer to fuzz the DBMSs “step-by-step”, that is, dynamically determine the next statement after executing every prior statement.

Also, Error Feedback allows the seed generation to generate more valid SQL statements and queries.


Former DBMS testing tools: SQLsmith, SQUIRREL, SQLancer.

Existing DBMS fuzzers are still limited in generating complex and valid queries to find deep bugs in DBMSs.

SQLsmith generates only one statement in each query, SQUIRREL produces over 50% invalid queries and tends to generate simple statements.

SQLancer aims to figuring out logic bugs of DBMSs rather than general bugs.


  • select seed from the seed pool, perform seed mutation, and generate files according to the seed.
  • Translator translate the files into SQL queries(with DBMS state information).
  • Scheduler feeds the DBMS for every single query, update the state information after every execution, and the Translator will provide a stateful query for Scheduler.

  • Code instrumentor: compiles(using Clang) and instruments the code of the target DBMS, and generates an executable program that receives and processes SQL queries.
  • Query interactor
    • receives input files from the file fuzzer and performs dynamic query interaction to generate complex and valid queries.
    • collects necessary runtime information of the target DBMS for dynamic analysis.
  • Statement generator: uses an internal AST model to generate syntactically correct SQL statements.
  • Runtime analyzer: analyzes the collected runtime information, identifies seeds according to error feedback, and selects a seed for the next round of fuzzing.
  • File fuzzer: performs conventional file fuzzing(like AFL) to generate files based on the given seeds.
  • Bug checker: detects bugs based on the collected runtime information and generates corresponding bug reports.


RQ1: Can DynSQL find bugs in real-world DBMSs by generating complex and valid queries?

RQ2: How about the security impact of the bugs found by DynSQL?

RQ3: How do dynamic query interaction and error feedback contribute to DynSQL in DBMS fuzzing?

RQ4: Can DynSQL outperform other state-of-the-art DBMS fuzzers?

testbench: SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MonetDB.

  • For RQ1
    • calculate generated queries and statements, analyzing its validity.
    • calculate number of bugs found.
    • analyze statements in bug-triggering queries.
      • analyze statement number for different queries.
      • analyze distribution of different SQL statement types.
    • analyze size of bug-triggering queries
  • For RQ2
    • analyze the bugs types of the detected bugs.
    • perform 3 case studies to illustrate the importance of the bugs found.
  • For RQ3
    • perform ablation study.
    • compare the performance of DynSQL, DynSQL without dynamic query interaction, DynSQL without error feedback, DynSQL without both dynamic query interaction and error feedback.
  • For RQ4
    • compare with SQLsmith, SQUIRREL.
    • compare code coverage, bug detection, query complexity.

Future work:

  • adopt it(Dynamic Query Interaction and Error Feedback) to logic bug detection.
  • adopt Dynamic Query Interaction to other fuzzing areas, e.g., REST API fuzzing.

[Review] DynSQL: Stateful Fuzzing for Database Management Systems with Complex and Valid SQL Query Generation




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