[Review] Examining Zero-Shot Vulnerability Repair with Large Language Models

[Review] Examining Zero-Shot Vulnerability Repair with Large Language Models

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The paper tests the performance of LLM for program repair. The same topic as Automated Program Repair in the Era of Large Pre-trained Language Models. Differently, this paper focuses more on the details, whose program repair setting is much more complicated.

Some conclusions were drawn:

  • LLMs can generate fixes to bugs.
  • But for real-world settings, the performance is not enough.


  • Security bugs are significant.
  • LLMs are popular and has outstanding performance.


RQ1: Can off-the-shelf LLMs generate safe and functional code to fix security vulnerabilities?

RQ2: Does varying the amount of context in the comments of a prompt affect the LLM’s ability to suggest fixes?

RQ3: What are the challenges when using LLMs to fix vulnerabilities in the real world?

RQ4: How reliable are LLMs at generating repairs?

  • apply different LLMs: code-cushman-001, code-davinci-001, code-davinci-002, j1-large, j1-jumbo, gpt2-csrc(self-trained), polycoder.

  • synthetic experimentation

    • synthesize buggy programs.
      • manually write the starting part of the program
      • apply LLMs to generate the whole program
      • the generated program itself may be valid, compilable, vulnerable, functional or safe.
    • test the influence of different parameters(temperature and top_p).
    • apply LLMs to repair the generated but vulnerable programs.
    • evaluate the performance.
    • not every time the more specific prompt will achieve a better performance, but the more specific one has the better performance on average.
    • The OpenAI Codex models consistently outperform the other models with regards to generating successful patches.(which means Codex may be a quite good tool for program generation.)
  • test on repairing hardware design languages(e.g., verilog)
    • LLMs were less proficient at producing Verilog code than they were at C or Python.
  • real-world bugs

[Review] Examining Zero-Shot Vulnerability Repair with Large Language Models




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