[Review] How IoT Re-using Threatens Your Sensitive Data: Exploring the User-Data Disposal in Used IoT Devices

[Review] How IoT Re-using Threatens Your Sensitive Data: Exploring the User-Data Disposal in Used IoT Devices

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This paper performs the first in-depth investigation on the user-data disposal of used IoT devices, and finds that:

  1. Most users lack the awareness of disposing used IoT devices.
  2. IoT devices collect more sensitive data than users expect, and current data protections of used IoT devices are inadequate.
  3. The disposal methods of used IoT devices are often ineffective.


RQ1: Which kinds of sensitive data reside in used IoT devices?

RQ2: Which methods can be used to dispose of sensitive data?

RQ3: Are existing disposal methods effective in erasing the sensitive data?

  • Conduct a user study to understand the user awareness of sensitive data or how to dispose of data.

  • Design a system to detect sensitive data collection in IoT firmware image.

  • Test real world IoT devices to evaluate data disposal efficiency.

  • Raise ethical considerations(always included in IoT related papers).


  • Evaluates the effectiveness of the designed system
    • Compares the system detection result with manual detection result.
    • Compares the system with other systems(SOTA sensitive information tracking systems).


  • Answer to RQ1

    • Device management information
    • Network setting information
    • Third-party account information
    • User portrait information

  • Answer to RQ2(apply manual test)

    • Overwrite or remove sensitive data through a user interface.
    • Perform a soft resetting by clicking the “reset to factory defaults” button on the configuration page of an IoT device.
    • Perform a hard resetting by pressing the RESET button on the device.
    • Perform a firmware upgrade by clicking the “upgrade firmware” button on the configuration page of an IoT device.
    • Log in to the terminal of an IoT device and overwrite/remove the files that store user data.
  • Answer to RQ3(often ineffective)

Future work:

  • A better system to detect sensitive data collection.
  • Apply automatic analysis to the early manual analysis.
  • Test a larger IoT device database.
  • Design a safer and more effective data disposal method for IoT device.

[Review] How IoT Re-using Threatens Your Sensitive Data: Exploring the User-Data Disposal in Used IoT Devices




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