[Review] MINER: A Hybrid Data-Driven Approach for REST API Fuzzing

[Review] MINER: A Hybrid Data-Driven Approach for REST API Fuzzing

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This paper proposed a new approach for API fuzzing, which:

  1. Focuses more on the long sequence query.
  2. Induces a customized attention model to support fuzzing process.
  3. Implements a new data-driven security rule checker to capture the new kind of errors caused by undefined parameters.

[1]: REST standard, usually including GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.


Cloud service testing is important, but early works(like RESTler) fail to generate long request sequence for testing, which is not enough to detect deep errors hidden in hard-to-reach states of cloud services. MINER applies length oriented mechanisms to generate long request sequence, and applies a attention model to help pass the semantic checking. Further more, it applies a data-driven security rule checker to capture the new kind of errors caused by undefined parameters.


  • 5 main components: Sequence Template Selection, Generation Module, Fuzzing Module, Collection Module, and Training Module.
  • Sequence Template Selection first generates the frameworks of the sequence.
  • Generation Module fills in the frameworks with parameters.
  • Fuzzing Module fuzzes the cloud service.
  • Collection Module collects the related data(valid request sequences, param-value pair).
  • Training Module is periodically invoked to train an attention model, which helps the Generation Module to work better.

response: 50x means bugs found, 20x means syntactic and semantic correctness, 40x means syntactic and semantic error.


  • Construct two prototypes without and with the DataDriven Checker to measure the error discovery performance of the checker.
  • Comparison: Compares with state-of-the-art open-sourced fuzzer RESTler.
  • Benchmarks: GitLab, Bugzilla and WordPress via 11 REST APIs.
  • Deploy an open-sourced version of each cloud service on their own server.
  • Setup: Lasts for 48 hours on a docker container configured with 8 CPU cores, 20 GB RAM, Python 3.8.2, and the OS of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. They run evaluations on 3 servers, each of which has two E5-2680 CPUs, 256GB RAM and a Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti graphics card.
  • Evaluate the 1) pass rate of syntax and semantic checking, 2) count the types of generated requests that get responses in 20× Range, 3) count the number of unique errors, which trigger the responses in 50× Range or violate the defined security rules.
  • Apply length-orientated sequence construction, attention model, and other techniques in RESTler to have a further analysis.

  • Performance on Reproducing Serious Bugs, Coverage Performance Analysis, Schedule of the Training Module, and Execution Distribution of Requests.

Future work:

  • Apply attention model to other areas.
  • To improve the reproducibility of the bugs found.
  • Keep improving the length-oriented quest generation approach.

[Review] MINER: A Hybrid Data-Driven Approach for REST API Fuzzing




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