Zichen Xie



I am a senior undergraduate student at Zhejiang University (ZJU), currently applying for a PhD position for Fall 2025. Now, I am conducting research as an intern at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), under the supervision of Professor Lingming Zhang. Additionally, I serve as a research assistant in the NESA Lab at Zhejiang University, advised by Professor Shouling Ji.

I am a member of ACEE (Advanced Honor Class for Engineering Education) in Chu Kochen Honors College.

My research interests lie in the areas of Software Engineering, Software Security and Machine Learning, especially in leveraging machine learning for program analysis, code generation and improving the reliability of software systems.

To date, my work has uncovered more than 130 previously unknown bugs in different open-source projects, including Apache Druid and Netty, as well as 70 bugs in the Linux Kernel.

selected publications

  1. Pre-print
    Exploring Automatic Cryptographic API Misuse Detection in the Era of LLMs
    Yifan Xia, Zichen Xie, Peiyu Liu, and 4 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.16576, 2024


Jul. 2024 - Sept. 2024 Tencent CDG, Wechat Ads, Software Testing Engineer